re #20: add possibility to download diagram as JSON
move plugins to sources directory
use commons-validator to validate email address
use commons-lang3 to check blank strings (including whitespace) instead of guava
Add documentation to modularization classes
Minor fixes
+ Closing open jar files+ remove watcher init delay
Removed unused dependencies
Updated modularization
+ removed unfunctional interface+ added mechanism to stop watcher on modules folder changes+ run module method execution with own class loader+ small refactor
Removed Spade converter (Was moved to external module)
Prepared application for loading json convertors from jar modules
Removed org.json dependency
+ changed to gson
#5 Replace MD5 password encryption by some secure algo
- BCrypt password encryption is used instead of MD5.- Algorithm is from package
#7 Use SLF4J logger
- added some log messages
- replaced System.out.println() and e.printStackTrace() with logger
Update version of log4j
Move file loading to tests
- Loading diagram by file is used and will be used only in tests
java imports optimalisation
Problem fixes based on static analysis
Removed unused class
Added file name + removed unused code
Resolve exceptions when config file is not defined
clean up web.xml servlet context parameters
use standard Maven directory structure for resources
Merge branch 'frontend-refactoring'
Bug fix
- some JSONs caused null pointer exception
Removed exception caused by comma in arrays in input JSON file.
modified Login servlet to pass logged-in user data as JSON body
added rest raw input servlet
removed hardcoded file separator
minor improvements
modified SaveDiagram servlet to return diagram data in response
extended Login servlet to return user's data in response
unified parameter names to use camelCase convention
modified Upload screen to dynamically display/hide user's private diagrams on log in/out
preset diagram name for saved diagrams
Added FileLoader class
Added possibility to upload raw JSON (front-end -- back-end JSON)
Simplify transformation between JSONs by removing graph.Graph class and use instead api.Graph
Moved ConfigurationLoader from package loader.configuration to configutation
Removed unused classes
Load diagram bug fix
rename attributes in b2f JSON to correspond with frontend
symbol display bug fixes
Used gson library for input file parsing
- used gson instead of net.sf.json (performance improve)
minor fixes
Backend refactor
api.GraphExport rename
Backend cleanup and refactor
Update and refactor models for DB access.
Removed TABLE 'log' from database
Rename subedgeInfo.originalId to id
Removed vertex originalId
changed group verticesId from to vertex.originalId
Removed positions array and added vertex.position and group.positioin item
Removed archetypeIcons array and added icon to vertexArchetypes
Changed vertex.title to and removed from title
Fix LoadGraphData response codes
SaveDiagram and RemoveDiagram servlets validate diagram_id parameter for both null and empty string
Login and Register servlets return details on why the request failed
fixed isLoggedIn method to be null-proof
minor servlet improvements
modified servlet to use helper methods from BaseServlet
fixed LoadGraphData servlet not to delete JSON from session which caused failure on page reload
backend cleanup
fixed redirect from upload to graph screen to use base app URL
modified RemoveDiagram servlet to use HTTP method DELETE instead of POST
reworked upload screen
moved API servlets to a separate package, made all servlets extend BaseServlet
reworked Register, Login and Logout servlets to work as API
dropped unused servlets
Added remove diagram servlet + minor fixes
LoadGraphData reformat
LoadGraphData user permission check
Added save button
loading of saved diagrams
Created save diagram servlet
Changed diagram table and Diagram class
joined load graph and start visualization steps on uploadFiles page. Removed saving uploaded file to file system.
Vertex/Edge attribute rendering
dropped some unused functionality, merged DefaultPage with UploadFiles servlet
Removed EFP from backend
Removed unnecessarily conversion to string
fixed servlet output encoding
moved backend code to directories following Maven convention