Od 2019-03-27 do 2019-04-25
- 13:36 Revize 05ad5e0f (imiger-fork): Refactor file uploading (#7267)
- * More robust file filtering (takes case of file extension into account)
* Support for different extensions (depends ... - 09:31 Revize 1442153a (imiger-fork): DOT plugin documentation (#7260)
- 17:10 Revize 153ea984 (imiger-fork): Run UI tests from maven (#7266)
- mvn exec:exec@ui-tests
- 16:16 Revize 9432fdc1 (imiger-fork): Clean UI tests (#7266)
- 20:55 Revize 3f529b6b (imiger-fork): Add RAW examples (from tests)
- 20:49 Revize b88baba4 (imiger-fork): Change version of JUnit in Spade converter module (#7266)
- * JUnit 5 is currently not supported in Maven
- 20:45 Revize b14ebc24 (imiger-fork): Remove obsolete selenium tests (#7266)
- 20:10 Revize 728c79f5 (imiger-fork): Add DOT example
- 19:58 Revize 6936fdbb (imiger-fork): Merge branch 'dot-module'
- 19:53 Revize 59513dd2 (imiger-fork): Cleanup pom
- 19:46 Revize 736838d4 (imiger-fork): Cleanup sources
- 19:29 Revize 7740b8c5 (imiger-fork): Integrity test for DOT module with necessary test files
- 11:00 Revize 77453bcc (imiger-fork): Indentation correction
- 10:57 Revize 67f91573 (imiger-fork): Extended test to cover added necessary fields
- 10:57 Revize 04643bda (imiger-fork): Added required fields, changed field name to be valid
- - implemented necessary fields that graph must contains otherwise wont be valid
- archetype index in class BaseVertex...
- 19:09 Revize 87e3e37a (imiger-fork): Removed logger...
- 19:08 Revize af2bfde4 (imiger-fork): hyphens correction
- 18:27 Revize fd0641ef (imiger-fork): Removing hyphens
- 18:13 Revize 54e9f5b9 (imiger-fork): Deleting chars from vertex and edge name and attributes
17:49 Revize b1499562 (imiger-fork): Added dependency for Mockito, test for GraphFactory
- 14:45 Revize a2dfd926 (imiger-fork): Fixed creation of attribute structure, documentation
- - structure of attributes was adjusted to produces string array, where first value is type of attribute and the secon...
- 15:38 Revize c95defa5 (imiger-fork): Missing vertex test
- 15:34 Revize f335b855 (imiger-fork): DOT Loader tests
- 20:25 Revize 7dae8303 (imiger-fork): Cleanup examples
- 16:47 Revize 2370f181 (imiger-fork): Changed order of serialized attributes to fit order of attribute types
- 15:31 Revize 2007cb56 (imiger-fork): Implemented method getRawJson, addition
- 15:31 Revize 630e6753 (imiger-fork): Fixed problem with data, implemented method getRawJson
- 15:31 Revize 4f50a73f (imiger-fork): Introduced GraphFactory
- Class prepares instance of Graph from data loaded by BaseDOTLoader
- 15:25 Revize 8ade384b (imiger-fork): Loader fix
- 15:05 Revize c76d6b44 (imiger-fork): Remove folder with artifacts
- 14:32 Revize 05d746bc (imiger-fork): Move test resources to correct folder
- 14:09 Revize f411c15b (imiger-fork): DOT loader which gives DTO objects for vertices and edges etc.
- 12:54 Revize 2c88773d (imiger-fork): DOT loader rework
- 12:05 Revize 18caadaf (imiger-fork): Abstract DOT loader class
- 17:52 Revize f7819f46 (imiger-fork): FileLoader extended support for .dot files
- 16:36 Revize a5356f12 (imiger-fork): Added module for DOT converter
- Added module for DOT converter
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