Od 2018-08-31 do 2018-09-29
- 11:19 Revize f19bcf07 (imiger-fork): Added possibility to upload raw JSON (front-end -- back-end JSON)
- 12:09 Revize 90426a44 (imiger-fork): Simplify transformation between JSONs by removing graph.Graph class and use instead api.Graph
- 12:03 Revize 33cc792c (imiger-fork): Cleaned sql create table script
- 12:02 Revize dc10a24d (imiger-fork): Moved ConfigurationLoader from package loader.configuration to configutation
- 13:17 Revize ce6d5fb5 (imiger-fork): Removed unused classes
- 06:16 Revize 9ce2a2ce (imiger-fork): Load diagram bug fix
- 16:06 Revize 9bb7d6ed (imiger-fork): remove group bug fix
- - group was left in group list. When diagram was saved empty group was saved in db and after refresh empty group was ...
- 10:02 Revize 0356f5a9 (imiger-fork): Added vertex archetype initialization + hide of unused selectors
- 19:22 Revize 1d0ce2e9 (imiger-fork): updated B2F JSON description document
- 19:19 Revize fc56d1b6 (imiger-fork): rename attributes in b2f JSON to correspond with frontend
- 18:53 Revize 19bb62c4 (imiger-fork): selected node and edge are now stored in database.
- 13:49 Revize 6fd72b91 (imiger-fork): symbol display bug fixes
- 13:02 Revize 15e7f9e5 (imiger-fork): add possibility to show symbol in neighbors of groups
- 12:34 Revize 0111d95d (imiger-fork): sideBar correct save and load from database
- - distribution of groups and vertices
- neighbors symbol save and load - 12:16 Revize b0664c78 (imiger-fork): move getUniqueId to Utils
- 08:07 Revize 9fae3996 (imiger-fork): symbol display bug fixes
- - symbol displayed more than once
- symbol not removed after vertex was removed from side bar
- 09:14 Revize 08592390 (imiger-fork): Used gson library for input file parsing
- - used gson instead of net.sf.json (performance improve)
- 06:43 Revize 50d7eafe (imiger-fork): Added remove confirmation dialog
- 06:42 Revize d9df7b6a (imiger-fork): minor fixes
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