Od 2017-03-20 do 2017-04-18
18:42 Enhancement #5647 (Closed): Visualisation of basic statistics
- From the basic statistic which are implemented already, create some graphics output on stats page for experiments.
18:40 Enhancement #5646 (Closed): Improving export for multiple experiments
- The export page should have a feature, which includes checkboxes for multiple choice of experiments, so the data coul...
18:12 Task #5645 (Closed): Wiki administration
18:10 Task #5644 (Closed): Wiki administration
18:09 Task #5643 (Closed): Finishing document demands specifications
- The document demands specification should be finished at the beginning of third iteration so all of the needed functi...
18:02 Task #5640: 4th appointment with client
- At this appointment we presented our implemented features to the customer. Both sides was satisfied with it. Next par...
17:55 Task #5640 (Closed): 4th appointment with client
17:51 Task #5640 (Closed): 4th appointment with client
17:59 Task #5637: 3rd appointment with client
- Before this meeting we finally got the application working. At this appointment we were given few little task to impl...
17:54 Task #5637 (Closed): 3rd appointment with client
17:49 Task #5637 (Closed): 3rd appointment with client
17:58 Task #5642 (Closed): 5th appointment with client
17:58 Task #5641 (Closed): 5th appointment with client
17:55 Task #5635: 2nd appointment with client
- Due to several problems with environment installation, we just asked how to fix them. Unfortunately we were not given...
17:53 Task #5635 (Closed): 2nd appointment with client
17:47 Task #5635 (Closed): 2nd appointment with client
17:55 Task #5639 (Closed): 4th appointment with client
17:50 Task #5639 (Closed): 4th appointment with client
17:53 Task #5636 (Closed): 3rd appointment with client
17:48 Task #5636 (Closed): 3rd appointment with client
17:52 Task #5634 (Closed): 2nd appointment with client
17:46 Task #5634 (Closed): 2nd appointment with client
17:50 Task #5638 (Closed): Enhancement of document demands specifications
- Due to deeper thoughts at upcoming appointments, we should improve the demands specifications
17:47 Task #5500 (Closed): Creation of document demands specification
14:14 Task #5500 (Resolved): Creation of document demands specification
17:46 Task #5632 (Closed): 1st appointment with client
17:46 Task #5632 (Resolved): 1st appointment with client
- At the first appointment we were thought about the structure of customers product (mostly database and backend). Then...
17:37 Task #5632 (Closed): 1st appointment with client
17:44 Task #5628 (Closed): Creation of Project vision
17:31 Task #5628 (Closed): Creation of Project vision
17:41 Task #5631 (Closed): 1st appointment with client
17:36 Task #5631 (Closed): 1st appointment with client
17:39 Task #5630 (Closed): Creation of 1st iteration retrospective
17:32 Task #5630 (Closed): Creation of 1st iteration retrospective
17:39 Task #5633 (Closed): Finishing Project vision
- Getting the Project vision document to its final version.
17:29 Task #5622 (Closed): Wiki administration
17:20 Task #5622 (Resolved): Wiki administration
09:34 Task #5622 (Closed): Wiki administration
- Administration of Wiki page.
14:28 Revize d67f104d: Project with our changes.
09:36 Task #5623 (Closed): Wiki administration
- Administration of Wiki page.
18:31 Task #5500 (Closed): Creation of document demands specification
11:13 Enhancement #5486 (Closed): Preparation of Excel export
09:09 Enhancement #5486 (Resolved): Preparation of Excel export
09:08 Enhancement #5486: Preparation of Excel export
- Creating actual Excel template in the application.
09:06 Enhancement #5486: Preparation of Excel export
- Creating temporary excel file.
09:03 Enhancement #5486 (Closed): Preparation of Excel export
- Goal is to prepare application to export data into excel file. Creating of template to which will be the data filled in.
11:13 Enhancement #5487 (Closed): Creating simple statistics
09:17 Enhancement #5487 (Resolved): Creating simple statistics
- Transmission of calculated data between model and view.
09:16 Enhancement #5487: Creating simple statistics
- Getting the data out of database and counting simple statistics.
09:14 Enhancement #5487 (Closed): Creating simple statistics
- Creation of simple statistics to be shown in the application. Statistics like average age, percentage of people measu...
11:12 Task #5417 (Closed): Load data from dev env
11:12 Task #5289 (Closed): Getting familiar with current state of the application
11:10 Task #5289 (Resolved): Getting familiar with current state of the application
11:08 Enhancement #5485 (Closed): Export to xls to be developed.
09:10 Enhancement #5485 (Resolved): Export to xls to be developed.
08:01 Enhancement #5485: Export to xls to be developed.
- Export screen developed and works as expected.
07:50 Enhancement #5485 (Closed): Export to xls to be developed.
- Export the data in the attached format.
17:49 Task #5417 (Resolved): Load data from dev env
11:09 Task #5417 (Closed): Load data from dev env
17:25 Task #5176 (Closed): Installation of Environment
17:25 Task #5176: Installation of Environment
- Due to several problem with installation additional modules, the estimated time could not be followed.
17:21 Task #5230 (Closed): Installation of Environment
22:22 Task #5289 (Closed): Getting familiar with current state of the application
- In this task you should log into application and check all its features. You can also take a brief look into arcitect...
21:36 Task #5230 (Closed): Installation of Environment
- In this task the Assignee should prepare local Environment and everything related.
10:03 Task #5176 (Closed): Installation of Environment
- In this task the Assignee should prepare local Environment and everything related.
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