



MetadataParser configuration

All configuration of the MetadataParser library is done using named constants within the config.php file, in the library's main folder. Following is a list of the used constants with a brief description.

  • BASE_PATH - specifies the path to the library's folder, relative to the application's root
  • RELEASE_DIR - specifies the path to the folder containing the corpus releases, relative to the application's root
  • CORPUS_DIR_PREFIX - specifies a prefix used by folders containing corpus releases; folders within the RELEASE_DIR without this prefix are ignored by the library; anything in the folder's name after the prefix is considered to be the `release name` of the specified corpus release
  • CORPUS_METADATA_PATH - path to the summary.csv file in a corpus release, relative to the corpus release folder; used by MetadataParser
  • SYSTEM_METADATA_COLUMNS - an array with hard-coded names of the columns used in contents.csv files in system elements' folders; used by MetadataParser
  • EXPORT_DIR - path to a folder used as a temporal storage of exported files, relative to the application's root; this folder needs to be writeable by the server
  • EXPORT_METADATA_PREFIX - a prefix used in the name of exported files containing metadata
  • EXPORT_FILES_PREFIX - a prefix used in the name of exported files containing system elements

Aktualizováno uživatelem Martin Berka před asi 9 roky(ů) · 2 revizí