


Feature #8568

Aktualizováno uživatelem Jan Pašek před téměř 4 roky(ů)

Certificate detail view shall be implemented with the following data: 

 * Display complete DN + notBefore + notAfter - via GET /api/certificates/{id}/details 
 * Reference to the detailed view page of the issuing CA - from the same data from the previous Rest call 
 * Display link to OCSP/CRL endpoint - only CA id in necessary to generate link - known from the previous Rest call 
 * Download public/private key - endpoints defined previously 
 * Download certificate, a chain of trust, root - endpoints already available 
 * List of issued certificates using GET - /api/certificates with filtering option {issuedby: <id>} 
 * Delete button 
 * Revoke button 

 * Listing on the main page must be extended with a link to the detailed view 

 * FR 4.6.1 
 * FR 4.6.2 
 * FR 4.6.3 
 * FR 4.6.4 
 * FR 4.6.5
