


Feature #8578

Aktualizováno uživatelem Jan Pašek před téměř 4 roky(ů)

Implement all changes for this iteration into the database: 

 * Certificate service will call a CertificateRepository set_certificate_revoked(id, timestamp, reason) to set the certificate revoked. 
 * Database must be extended with the following data: revocation date (Unix timestamp, generated automatically by the CertificateService), bool flag if is revoked, the reason for revocation(may be implemented as a second table with revocation reason values). 
 * CertificateRepository shall expose the following method get_all_revoked_by(id) that returns all certificates that were issued by the given CA and are now revoked. 
 * CertificateRepository must implement get_all_issued_by(id) that returns all certificates that were issued by the given CA 
 * Cover the new functionality by tests 
 * Cover KeyRepository by tests 
 * If an unknown usage option is passed to the application core from the controller, the unknown usage is stored in the database as a string. This shall be fixed. 

 * Discuss with the team if some other improvements of the repositories are necessary 
  * Discussion about treating usages in the database shall be done
