Task #8307
Prepare a proof of concept
Přidáno uživatelem Jan Pašek před asi 4 roky(ů).
Aktualizováno před téměř 4 roky(ů).
- prepare a minimalistic working example of the resulting application that verifies the basic concepts and functionalities. It is also going to be an essential part of further requirement specification elaboration.
- detailed POC description:
- the POC should be able to produce two statically generated CAs (root + intermediate)
- certificates should be created by the intermediate CA via a form (dynamically generated)
- all certificates should be available on the server for users to download them
- using these certificates the user should be able to sign a document
- after trusting the root CA Adobe Acrobat Reader should verify the validity of the signature of the signed document
- Cílová verze nastaven na Iteration #2
- Uzavřít do nastaven na 2021-03-24
- Odhadovaná doba nastaven na 7.00hod
- Priorita změněn z Normal na High
- Přiřazeno nastaven na Stanislav Král
- Stav změněn z New na Assigned
- % Hotovo změněn z 0 na 30
- % Hotovo změněn z 30 na 100
A Python script that demonstrates the ability to create a chain of trust by using the openssl program was created
- Stav změněn z Assigned na Resolved
- % Hotovo změněn z 100 na 30
This issue took longer than expected because of the lack of communication from the customer's side. The assignee was making attempts to sign PDF documents in Adobe Acrobat Reader while building the chain of trust using Authority Information Access. Two solutions on the matter of building the chain of trust were proposed to the customer and the assignee was trying to implement them both while the customer did not respond in time. The AIA solution will most likely be discarded and not used.
Reviewer of this issue should have close look at the openssl_poc.py file and read the comments carefully by which he will be made familiar with the PoC and how to use it.
- % Hotovo změněn z 30 na 100
I have edited the PoC in such way that now a PFX store is automatically generated so you don't have to do it manually before for example importing it into Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- Stav změněn z Resolved na Verified
The PoC was reviewed and tried out on the testing server. Generated signing identity was used to sing a PDF document in AAR and the validity of the signature was successfully verified.
- Stav změněn z Verified na Closed
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